
Cards (10)

  • 2 types of lenses:
    • Convex
    • Concave
  • What lense is this?
    A) Concave lens
  • What lense is this?
    A) Convex lens
  • How do concave lenses help with myopia?
    Diverge light to help focus light back onto the retina
  • How do convex lenses help hyperopia?
    Converge light onto the retina to help focus on a far object
  • What do convex lenses help correct?
    Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • What do concave lenses help correct?
    Myopia (shortsightedness)
  • Magnification = Image Size ÷ Actual Size
  • Virtual Image: Where imagery rays intersect
  • Label the diagram:
    A) Principal Focus
    B) Principal Focus
    C) Focal Length