
Cards (4)

  • A :( of using experiments to measure the link between aggressive media and aggressive behaviour = it is often artificial & unrealistic.
    e.g., the study using the Taylor Competitive Reaction Time Task which measured aggression by how much loud noise was blasted at an opponent.
    This is unlike realistic forms of aggression in the real world, where often there is fear of retaliation.
    Therefore, this affects the internal validity of the studies conducted in lab experiments because it is unable to measure real forms of aggression (due to ethical reasons).
  • A limitation of correlational research is that it does not allow cause-and-effect conclusions to be drawn.
    For example, research showing a correlation does not tell us whether it is due to the socialisation hypothesis or the selection hypothesis.
    This means the link could either exist because violent media actually causes aggression (socialisation) or that already aggressive people choose to consume violent media (selection).
    Therefore, the direction of causality cannot be established in correlational research and there might be another third variable which can explain the change in both.
  • A major weakness of using longitudinal studies is lack of control of variables
    For example, other factors such as aggressive role models (e.g. family and friends) may interact with media influence.
    This means longitudinal studies become vulnerable to the effects of confounding variables.
    Therefore, it is very difficult to separate and control all such variables and assess their impact to aggressive behaviour (i.e. we cannot isolate effects of media alone)
  • Point: A limitation of meta-analyses could be publication bias
    Evidence: For example, in scientific research there is a tendency to only publish findings that are statistically significant.
    Explain: This means any nonsignificant results are left out (also referred to as the file drawer problem) in meta-analyses as they generally only include published studies.
    Link: Therefore, this has serious consequences in terms of creating a false impression that the effects of violent media on aggression are greater than they actually are.