
Cards (3)

  • The humanistic approach emphasises the importance of subjective experiences and a person’s capacity for self-determination. People are still affected by external (environment) and internal (biological) influences, but we have free will and can actively determine our own development.
  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describes what motivates people. This hierarchy has a series of needs, which start with the most basic physiological needs (e.g food and water) and moves up through safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem and finally self-actualisation. Self-actualisation means fulfilling one’s full potential and is considered a growth need. The idea of personal growth is an essential part of being human where one strives to become fulfilled, satisfied and goal-orientated.
  • Personal growth can be achieved if an individual’s concept of self (how they see themselves) is congruent with their ideal self (the person they want to be). Incongruence is when a big gap between the two ‘selves’ might result in negative feelings of self-worth. Counselling focuses on providing clients with unconditional positive regard, aiming to remove the effects of someone’s conditions of worth.