extraneous variables

Cards (21)

  • What are extraneous variables?
    Factors that can affect validity and reliability
  • What does it mean for a study to be valid?
    It studies what it claims to study
  • What does it mean for a study to be reliable?
    It has consistent results
  • What are participant variables?
    Personal characteristics affecting participant reactions
  • What are investigator effects?
    Researcher characteristics influencing participant behavior
  • How can a researcher's expectations affect an experiment?
    They may influence participant behavior
  • What are situational variables?
    External factors affecting participant behavior
  • What are demand characteristics?
    Clues that influence participant behavior
  • How can investigator effects act as demand characteristics?
    Researcher actions may lead to behavior changes
  • How do uncontrolled extraneous variables affect validity?
    They decrease the validity of the study
  • How do uncontrolled extraneous variables affect reliability?
    They decrease the reliability of the study
  • What is standardization in research?
    Making conditions the same for all participants
  • Why can't participant variables be standardized?
    They are personal characteristics unique to individuals
  • What is matching in controlling participant variables?
    Ensuring equal characteristics across groups
  • What is random allocation in controlling participant variables?
    Assigning participants randomly to groups
  • How does random allocation help in research?
    It ensures equal chance of group assignment
  • How can demand characteristics be controlled?
    By ensuring participants don't know their group
  • What is single blinding?
    Participants are unaware of their group assignment
  • What is double blinding?
    Both participants and researchers are unaware
  • What does single blinding control for?
    It controls for demand characteristics
  • What does double blinding control for?
    It controls for both demand and investigator effects