Cards (4)

  • What is Thematic Analysis?
    • Form of content analysis (shares STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES)
    • Aims to produce themes (more descriptive than coding units)
  • How does Thematic Analysis work?
    • Text or recordings (transcribed so turned into text) are read to spot patterns- coded 
    • Transcriptions / text / codes- re-read (looking for emergent themes)
  • Strengths:
    • High ecological validity- real, current communications e.g. recent newspapers 
    • Sources can be easily retained / accessed by others- findings can be replicated 
    • Many ethical issues may not apply- sources already public, no need to get consent 
  • Weaknesses:
    • Observer bias- may reduce validity / objectivity- different observers may interpret the meaning of the categories differently 
    • Only describes the data- causality cannot be established