In 1973, the Arab-Israeli war in the middle east occurred in which many western states supported Israel
Consequently, the Arab states (led by OPEC - Organisation of petroleum exporting countries) responded by embargoing the supply of oil to the western countries
This increased the oil prices by 300% per barrel which caused petrol and energy prices to increase drastically - this was bad as Englishcar manufacturers relied on cheap energy for manufacturing
Alongside their growing prices to produce the vehicles, English manufacturers also had growingcompetition from foreign TNC's
Japanese car manufacturers became popular in the 1970s as their cars were cheaper, more reliable, and more fuel efficient - this is as well as Volkswagen (Germany) + Renault (France)
As car manufacturing declined, there were lots of strikes by trade unions in the 1970s which led to the closure of factories, leading Birmingham to become unattractive to investors
Some TNC's however set up factories in the UK e.g. Nissan and Honda who were attracted due to the grants provided by the government - however, none ended up in Birmingham