The Cognitive approach to explaining depression

Cards (11)

  • Who are the two main cognitive psychologists who studied depression?
    • Ellis
    • Beck
  • What was Ellis' model called?
    • The ABC model
    • 1962
  • What is the ABC model?
    • Depression due to irrational thoughts -> irrational ≠ illogical/unrealistic
    • Irrational thoughts = thoughts that make us unhappy/prevent freedom from pain
    • We have goals in life -> life often blocks these goals = 'ACTIVATING/triggering event'
    • Reaction to event is what causes depression (not event itself)
    • Irrational reactions caused by unhealthy BELIEFS
    • CONSEQUENCE = depression
    • A = activating event, B = belief, C = consequence
  • What are the negative consequences of irrational thinking?
    • Musturbation -> belief that certain things MUST happen
    • Not true (activation) = produces irrational thoughts, e.g. utopianism (belief that world must always be fair)
    • Utopianism belief = 'people should always treat me as I deserve'
    • Utopianism consequence = unhappiness when this doesn't happen in an activating event
  • What was Beck's model called?
    • The Negative Triad
    • 1967
  • What is the Negative Triad?
    • Depression = due to 'faulty thinking', i.e. cognitive errors
  • What does faulty thinking cause?
    • Negative schemas characterised by cognitive biases
    • Cognitive biases = poor logic = negative automatic thoughts = negative schemas further fuelled
  • What are some examples of cognitive biases?
    • Arbitrary inference
    • Conclusions drawn on insufficient evidence
    • Magnification + minimisation
    • Conclusions drawn from exaggerating/downplaying factors in evaluating performance
    • Personalisation
    • Conclusions drawn from seeing yourself as responsible for others' negative feelings
    • Schemas developed in childhood
    • Traumatic experiences = negative schemas
    • = misperception of reality
    • e.g. ineptness schema, self-blame schema, negative self-evaluation schema
    • Stressful situations trigger memories of original event behind negative schema
    • Causes current situation to be viewed through that schema
    • Negative outcome becomes expected, now + in future
  • What is the main basis of Beck's Negative Triad that is to be used in exam answers?
    • Schemas, cognitive biases + negative automatic thoughts (NATs) interact = negative triad
    • Negative view of world
    • Negative view of self
    • Negative view of future
    • = 100% probability of depression