othello quotes

Cards (2)

  • My services, which I have done the signiory shall out-tongue his complaints (1,1)
    Keep up your bright swords for the dew will rust them (1,1- “massive and menacingly monosyllabic line”- Harold Bloom)
    will as tenderly be led by th’ nose as asses are (Iago 1,3)
    My blood begins my safer guides to rule and passion having my best judgement collied, assays to lead the way (2,3 Foreshadowing)
  • I know Iago, thy honesty and love do mince this matter (2,3)
    Look if my gentle love be not raised up! Ill make thee an example (2,3)
    When I love thee not Chaos is come again (3,3)
    I am declined into the vale of years (3,3)
    I will kill thee and love thee after (5,1)