gender quotes

Cards (3)

  • O treason of the blood! Fathers, from hence trust not your daughters minds (Brabantio 1,1)
    She loved me for the dangers I had passed and I loved her that she did pity them (Othello 1,3)
    I perceive here a divided duty (Desdemona 1,3)
  • But we have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbitted lusts; whereof I take this, that you call love, be sect or scion (Iago, 1,3)
    The food that to him now is as luscious as locusts shall be to him shortly as acerb as coloquintida (Iago, 1,3)
    Players in your housewifery and housewives in… your beds (Iago 2,1)
  • If I do prove her haggard , though that her jesses were my dear heart strings, i’d whistle her off and let her down the wind to prey at fortune (othello 3,3)
    O Curse of marriage that we can call these delicate creatures ours and not their appetites (Othello 3,3)
    They are all but stomach, as we all but food; they eat us hungerly and when they are full they belch us (Emilia 3,4)