3.3A: Measuring the Degree of Globalisation

Cards (11)

  • Indicator
    A measure of an individual aspect (of globalisation), e.g. the amount of FDI.
    Indices express indicators as a percentage - either of the highest actual total or of the maximum possible total.They may be expresses as whole numbers out of a maximum 100, or as a decimal fraction (in 1/100ths) out of a maximum 1.0.
  • KOF Index of Globalisation
    • Produced annually by the Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research
    • KOF = konjunkturforschungsstelle
  • How is economic globalisation measured using the KOF Index?
    Measured by indicators like cross-border trade, FDI, tariff rates and money flows.
  • How is social globalisation measured using the KOF Index?
    Measured by international telephone calls, tourist flows, resident foreign population and access to foreign internet, households with a TV set, and 'global affinity' (presence of international TNC retail outlets), international mail, import and exports of books.
  • How is political globalisation measured using the KOF Index?
    Measured by: foreign embassies in a country, membership of international organisations, number of UN Peacekeeping missions participated in, trade and other agreements with foreign countries.
  • KOF Index statistics
    • Scaled average calculated to give a separate index value for each country.
    • Mean of three category indices calculated to give the overall globalisation index.
    • 2015's data is available for 207 countries.
    • Index calculated since 1970 (158 countries 1970-2006)
    • This allows comparisons over time.
    • Economic globalisation has risen faster than political or social since 1970.
  • Why do small European countries top the KOF Index?
    • The USA and BRICs have lower index values because the KOF index measures international interactions - internal flows between diverse regions in large countries are not recorded. Large parts of the inner USA are not well connected to the rest of the world.
    • Small countries have short distances to neighbouring countries, fewer domestic attractions and a smaller domestic market.
    • High European indicator value reflects the very large interactions within the EU. Suggests the decision to join a trade bloc effective in promoting globalisation.
  • Disadvantages of the KOF Index?
    • Technological developments mean that some indicators look dated, e.g. international mail, given the rise of email and social media.
    • Trade flows will not include informal economy flows. Understates degree of globalisation in developing and emerging countries.
    • Choice and weighting of indicators is value of judgement, and may contain cultural bias (e.g. no. of McDonald's restaurants)
    • Fewer missing or estimated data is increasing accuracy and comparability.
    • Large number of indicators incorporates wide range of international connections.
  • AT Kearney index of globalisation
    • Produced annually by the AT Kearney management consulting firm in conjunction with Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's 'Foreign Policy' magazine.
    • Index value calculated for each indicator based on its relative position on the scale - with the highest actual value scoring 1.0 and the lowest 0.
    • Overall index value calculated.
    • FDI, internet usage and international traffic telephone weighted double.
  • Indicators of globalisation using the AT Kearney index
    • Economic integration
    • Trade and FDI flows
    • Technological connectivity
    • Number of internet users, internet hosts and secure servers.
    • Political engagement
    • Membership of international organisations and treaties, contribution to UN peacekeeping, level of governmental transfers (e.g. aid)
    • Personal contact
    • International travel and tourism, international telephone traffic, personal cross border financial transfers (e.g. remittances)
  • Disadvantages of the AT Kearney index
    • Only includes 62 countries, though these include 84% of the world's population and 96% of global GDP.
    • First published in 2008.
    • Small European countries dominate the top 20, though the USA is 4th and Canada is 6th. Smaller countries have higher FDI indicators due to small domestic markets.
    • Heavy weighting given to ICT connectivity enables the USA to gain a high index score despite low political engagement in terms of treaties signed.