explanations for forgetting

    Cards (21)

    • What is forgetting defined as?
      Failure to retrieve memories
    • What does interference explain in the context of forgetting?
      Confusion caused by similar material
    • What are the two types of interference affecting recall?
      Proactive and Retroactive interference
    • What is proactive interference?
      • Works forward in time
      • Old information disrupts new recall
      • Example: old phone number affects new number
    • What is retroactive interference?
      • Works backwards in time
      • New information disrupts old recall
      • Example: new car registration affects old one
    • What is retrieval failure due to absence of cues?
      • Forgetting due to lack of accessibility
      • No meaningful link to retrieve information
    • Who demonstrated the value of retrieval cues?
      Tulving and Pearlstone
    • What were the results of Tulving and Pearlstone's study?
      40% free recall, 60% cued recall
    • What is context-dependent forgetting?
      • Lack of environmental cues
      • Recall is better when context matches learning
    • Who investigated contextual cues with scuba divers?
      Godden and Baddeley
    • What were the four conditions in Godden and Baddeley's study?
      Learn and recall on land or underwater
    • What did Godden and Baddeley find about recall performance?
      Best recall when learning and recall contexts matched
    • What is state-dependent forgetting?
      • Lack of internal cues
      • Recall is better when internal state matches learning
    • Who conducted the study on state-dependent forgetting?
      Carter and Cassaday
    • What was the effect of anti-histamines in Carter and Cassaday's study?
      Created a different internal physiological state
    • What was the result of mismatched internal states in Carter and Cassaday's study?
      Significantly worse performance on memory test
    • What is interference?

      • when two pieces of information disrupt each other resulting in the forgetting of one or both
    • Memories stored in long term memory can't be accessed even though they are still available
    • Interference is worse when memories are similar
    • McGeoch and McDonald
      • gave participants a list of 10 words to memorise
      • when they could accurately recall they were given a second list of words
      • each group was given a different list
      • the group with the new list with similar words had the worst recall of the original list
    • Explanations of effects of similarity:
      • proactive interference - old information makes new similar information more difficult to store
      • retroactive interference - new information overtakes old similar memories