cognitive approach

Cards (6)

  • ao1
    The cognitive approach s focused on how our internal mental proceses eg) thoughts, perceptions, atentio and memory affects our behaviour. Cognitive psychologists can't observe these process so they study them indirectly by making inferences and assumptions. Cognitive psychologists use theoretical models such as the multi-store model of memory and looks at behaviour in a particular order.
  • paragraph 2
    The information processing model is one way that psychologists apply the idea of computation to the human mind by comparing it to a computer. They acknowledge the role of schemas which are cognitive frameworks that help organise information about a person or situation and are formed through experiences. They allow us to predict what may happen or be expected of us. This means we can process a lot of info quickly but schema can also lead to distortion in our perceptions
  • strength: many applications
    The cognitive approach to psychopathology has been able to explain dysfunctional behaviour in terms of faulty thinking processes
    a-This has let to the development of treatments for illnesses such as depression with cognitive based therapies
    k-These treatments witch aim to change dysfunctional ways of thinking have been shown to be successful in some mental disorders which suggests that the emphases on mental proceses for explaining mental disorders is valid
  • another strength: scientific aproach

    although cognitive psychologists create theories and models of behaviours they do this as a result of experimentation with human participants. This means that their are far more than common sense and introspection which can give a misleading picture
    k-Therefore the approach can be seen as a systematic, objective and rigorous way for reaching accurate conclusions on how the mind works
  • weakness: machine reductionism
    E- Reducing human behaviour that of computer is an issue as humans are complex being with unex0lainable causes of behaviours
    A-However there are important differences between the human mund and computer progra
    K- as humans do foreg things and ignore valuable information this limits the appropriateness of explaining human behaviour and thought woth computer models
  • another weakness is that the cognitive aproach appears to ignore important factors 

    like why cognitive proceses take place. The role of emotion and motivation are ignored. This may be the result of computer analogy and the over dependence of this approach on information processing analogies. This suggests that human minds can make mistakes , can forget and ignore information when necessary these are all fundamental difference's