Population: All members of single species living in the same area at the same time
Community: Groups of populations living and interacting with each other in an area
Habitat: Environment in which species normally live in
Ecosystem: Community and physical environment
Place quadrat randomly within sampling area
Count the number of members of the same specieswithin the quadrat
Repeat this numerous times within sampling area using the same size quadrat
Repeat the process in another area to compare results
Population size = Total size/Sample size x number of organisms
Abiotic Factors can affect a range of Species as each organism is adapted to certain environments
Light Intensity
Soil pH
Carbon Dioxide Levels
Soil Moisture Level
Availability of Minerals and Nutrients
Availability of Water
Oxygen Levels
Biotic Factors will affect all Species as they have the vulnerability of being food to Predators or being a host to diseases that can affect Population of Species