Human influences on the environment

Cards (37)

    • Combustion of Fossil fuels produces Sulfur Dioxide
    • As a result, Sulfur Dioxide will dissolve in clouds composed of Water droplets to form Dilute Sulfuric acid (Acid rain)
    • Acid rain leaches Minerals and Nutrients out of the soil, causing death of Plants and Trees
    • Acid rain damages the waxy layer of leaves, reducing ability of Plants and Trees to absorb Mineral ions needed for growth
    • Acid rain acidifies rivers and lakes, resulting in death of aquatic organisms
    • Acid rain corrodes Metals (steel) and Limestone in buildings
    • Incomplete combustion of Fossil fuels produces Carbon Monoxide, which binds irreversibly to Haemoglobin to reduce capacity of Red blood cells to transport Oxygen
    • Carbon Monoxide may cause constant tiredness due to poor Oxygen transport
    • Carbon Monoxide may cause Emphysema due to insufficient Oxygen via aerobic respiration
    • If Pregnant, Carbon Monoxide may result in insufficient Oxygen for respiration, hindering growth of Fetus
  • Water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and CFCs are greenhouse gases/
    • Naturally exists in rivers, lakes and oceans
    • Produced during combustion of fuels in industrial processes
    • Produced in car exhausts
    • Released from fertilisers in farms
    • Released from Cattle waste in farms
    • Produced from combustion of fossil fuels under high temperature in vehicle engines
    • Released from rice paddy fields
    • Released from Cattle
  • CFC
    • Used in fridges and released into the atmosphere when disposed
    • Used in aerosol sprays
  • What is the suggested link between greenhouse gas emissions and climate conditions?
    Increase in temperatures and climate changes
  • How does the sun contribute to the greenhouse effect?
    It emits short wave radiation absorbed by Earth
  • What happens to the radiation absorbed by the Earth's surface?
    It is re-emitted at a longer wavelength
  • What role do greenhouse gases play in the atmosphere?
    They absorb and re-radiate longer wave radiation
  • What is the result of heat being retained in the atmosphere?
    Increased global temperatures
  • What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?
    Heat retention leading to increased global temperatures
  • What are the consequences of the enhanced greenhouse effect?
    • Rise in sea levels due to melting glaciers
    • Increased spread of diseases due to cold climate
    • Migration of species to more habitable areas
    • Loss of habitat
    • Extinction and loss of biodiversity
    • Disruption to food chains
  • What is sewage rich in that supports organism reproduction?
    Minerals and Nutrients
  • How does sewage affect decomposers?
    It provides energy for reproduction and population growth
  • What type of growth does sewage encourage in algae?
    Algae bloom
  • What is the consequence of algae bloom on water surfaces?
    It blocks sunlight from reaching plants
  • What happens to aquatic plants when sunlight is blocked by algae bloom?
    They cannot perform photosynthesis and die
  • How do decomposers respond to dead plants in water?
    They break them down via aerobic respiration
  • What is depleted in water as decomposers break down sewage and dead plants?
    Oxygen reserves
  • What type of respiration do bacteria in sewage perform?
    Aerobic respiration
  • How does the presence of bacteria in sewage affect oxygen levels in water?
    They deplete oxygen levels through respiration
  • EUTROPHICATION: Enrichment of an ecosystem (aquatic) with chemical nutrients (Nitrates, Phosphates, etc.)
  • What causes excessive nutrients to enter rivers and lakes?
    Fertilizers washed by rain
  • What effect do excessive nutrients have on plant growth?
    They allow rapid plant growth
  • Which plants are mentioned as rapidly growing due to excessive nutrients?
    Algae and Duckweed
  • What is the consequence of algae bloom forming on water surfaces?
    It blocks sunlight from reaching plants
  • How does blocking sunlight affect aquatic plants?
    It prevents them from photosynthesizing
  • What happens to oxygen levels in rivers and lakes with less photosynthesis?
    Oxygen levels will deplete
  • What role do decomposers play in oxygen depletion?
    They break down dead plants using aerobic respiration
  • How does reduced oxygen affect marine organisms?
    It stresses their survival
  • What is the impact of decomposers on oxygen reserves in water?
    They deplete oxygen reserves
  • What is a potential long-term effect of reduced oxygen levels in aquatic ecosystems?
    Reduction in biodiversity