Combustion of Fossil fuels produces Sulfur Dioxide
As a result, Sulfur Dioxide will dissolve in clouds composed of Water droplets to form Dilute Sulfuric acid (Acid rain)
Acid rain leaches Minerals and Nutrients out of the soil, causing death of Plants and Trees
Acid rain damages the waxy layer of leaves, reducing ability of Plants and Trees to absorb Mineral ions needed for growth
Acid rain acidifies rivers and lakes, resulting in death of aquatic organisms
Acid rain corrodes Metals (steel) and Limestone in buildings
Incomplete combustion of Fossil fuels produces Carbon Monoxide, which binds irreversibly to Haemoglobin to reduce capacity of Red blood cells to transport Oxygen
Carbon Monoxide may cause constant tiredness due to poor Oxygen transport
Carbon Monoxide may cause Emphysema due to insufficient Oxygen via aerobic respiration
If Pregnant, Carbon Monoxide may result in insufficient Oxygen for respiration, hindering growth of Fetus
Water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and CFCs are greenhouse gases/
Naturally exists in rivers, lakes and oceans
Produced during combustion of fuels in industrial processes
Produced in car exhausts
Released from fertilisers in farms
Released from Cattle waste in farms
Produced from combustion of fossil fuels under high temperature in vehicle engines
Released from rice paddy fields
Released from Cattle
Used in fridges and released into the atmosphere when disposed
Used in aerosol sprays
What is the suggested link between greenhouse gas emissions and climate conditions?