Control of Blood Glucose Concentration

Cards (16)

  • Describe the factors that influence blood glucose concentration:
    ● Consumption of carbohydratesglucose absorbed into blood
    ● Rate of respiration of glucose eg. increases during exercise due to muscle contraction
  • What is Glycogenesis?
    Converts glucoseglycogen
  • What is Glycogenolysis?
    Converts glycogenglucose
  • What is Gluconeogenesis?
    Converts amino acids and/or glycerolglucose
  • Explain the action of insulin in decreasing blood glucose concentration:
    ● Attaches to specific receptors on cell surface membranes of target cells eg. liver / muscles
    1)This causes more glucose channel proteins to join cell surface membrane
    ○ Increasing permeability to glucose
    ○ So more glucose can enter cell by facilitated diffusion
    2)This also activates enzymes involved in conversion of glucose to glycogen (glycogenesis)
    ○ Lowering glucose concentration in cells, creating a concentration gradient
    ○ So glucose enters cell by facilitated diffusion
  • Explain the action of glucagon in increasing blood glucose concentration:
    ● Attaches to specific receptors on cell surface membranes of target cells eg. liver
    1)Activates enzymes involved in hydrolysis of glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis)
    2)Activates enzymes involved in conversion of glycerol / amino acids to glucose (gluconeogenesis)
    ● This establishes a concentration gradient → glucose enters blood by facilitated diffusion
  • Explain the role of adrenaline in increasing blood glucose concentration:
    ● Attaches to specific receptors on cell surface membranes of target cells eg. liver
    ● Activates enzymes involved in hydrolysis of glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis)
    ● This establishes a concentration gradient → glucose enters blood by facilitated diffusion
  • Describe the second messenger model of adrenaline and glucagon action:
    Adrenaline / glucagon (‘first messengers’) attach to specific receptors on cell membrane which:
    1)Activates enzyme adenylate cyclase (changes shape)
    2) Which converts many ATP to many cyclic AMP (cAMP)
    3) cAMP acts as the second messenger → activates protein kinase enzymes
    4) Protein kinases activate enzymes to break down glycogen to glucose
  • What do Beta cells do?
    Beta cells in islets of Langerhans in pancreas detect blood glucose concentration is too high → secrete insulin
  • What do Alpha cells do?
    Alpha cells in islets of Langerhans in pancreas detect blood glucose concentration is too low → secrete glucagon
  • Suggest an advantage of the second messenger model:
    Amplifies signal from hormone
    ● As each hormone can stimulate production of many molecules of second messenger (cAMP)
    ● Which can in turn activate many enzymes for rapid increase in glucose
  • Describe type 1 diabetes:
    ● Key point = β cells in islets of langerhans
    in pancreas produce insufficient insulin
    ● Normally develops in childhood due to
    an autoimmune response destroying β
    cells of Islets of Langerhans
  • Describe type 2 diabetes:
    ● Key point = receptor (faulty) loses responsiveness /
    sensitivity to insulin (but insulin still produced)
    ● So fewer glucose transport proteins → less uptake of
    glucose → less conversion of glucose to glycogen
    ● Risk factor = obesity
  • Describe how of type I diabetes can be controlled:
    ● Injections of insulin (as pancreas doesn’t produce enough)
    ● Blood glucose concentration monitored with biosensors; dose of insulin matched to glucose intake
    ● Eat regularly and control carbohydrate intake eg. those that are broken down / absorbed slower
    ○ To avoid sudden rise in glucose
  • Suggest why insulin can’t be taken as a tablet by mouth:
    ● Insulin is a protein
    ● Would be hydrolysed by endopeptidases / exopeptidases
  • Describe how of type II diabetes can be controlled:
    ● Not normally treated with insulin injections (as pancreas still produces it) but
    may use drugs which target insulin receptors to increase their sensitivity
    ○ To increase glucose uptake by cells / tissues
    ● Reduce sugar intake (carbohydrates) / low glycaemic index → less absorbed
    ● Reduce fat intake → less glycerol converted to glucose
    ● More (regular) exercise → uses glucose / fats by increasing respiration
    ● Lose weight → increased sensitivity of receptors to insulin