LTM - Tulving

Cards (26)

  • Procedural memory
    Knowing how to do something
  • Semantic memory
    General knowledge
  • Episodic memory
    Personal recollection
  • Flashbulb memory
    A detailed vivid memory of an event which is stored after one occasion and lasts a lifetime
  • Nature of semantic memory
    Mental encyclopaedia
  • What did Tulving propose about the LTM?
    It was divided into episodic and semantic memory
  • Nature of episodic memory
    Mental diary
  • Time referencing of semantic memory
    No time referencing, input can be fragmented
  • Time referencing of episodic memory
    Time and context references, input is continuous
  • Semantic memory retrieval
    Retrieval possible without learning, no cues
  • Episodic memory retrieval
    Using cues, encoded at the point of learning
  • Semantic memory forgetting
    Memory trace is more robust and less susceptible to transformation
  • Episodic memory forgetting
    Due to retrieval cue failure, memory trace can be transformed or changed
  • Butterworth (2002) Dr S case study
    Dr S, a neurologist fell while skiing and damaged his brain
  • Dr S episodic memory
    When people caught up with him he thought his wife looked extremely old and he did not recognise some of his younger colleagues. This meant a loss of episodic memory and the last 25 years were blank to him
  • Dr S semantic memory
    When at a hospital he had a brain scan and diagnosed himself with transient global amnesia, which he would've learnt in the past 25 years. This showed an intact semantic memory
  • Dr S procedural memory
    He could still ski which showed the existence of a procedural memory
  • Clive Wearing procedural memory
    When asked if he could play piano he said no but then it turns out he could (procedural)
  • HM case study
    Hippocampus removed so episodic and semantic memory damaged. Could not remember what he had for breakfast but could learn how to play tennis
  • Tulving (1985) addition to the LTM
    Added the procedural memory for skills and abilities
  • Application for brain damaged patients
    People tend to retain episodic memory with personal history but had issues updating their episodic memory and creating semantic memory
  • Application for dementia
    Distinction between semantic and episodic helps understand dementia. Showing patients meaningful things and getting them to talk can help cognitive stimulation therapy
  • Procedural Memory
    the memory of how to do things. It includes tying shoelaces, writing, tapping in your banking PIN and using a knife and fork. You may retain procedural memories even after you have forgotten being taught to do these things in the first place
  • Declarative Memory
    the memory of meaningful events. You might remember being taught to play the guitar, even if you’ve forgotten how to do it
  • Tulving's LTM Model
    A) Declarative
    B) Procedural
    C) Episodic
    D) Semantic
  • Tulving LTM opposing evidence: Squire and Zola (1998)
    • examined children with amnesia (never acquired a semantic store in the first place)
    • and adults with amnesia (had semantic and episodic memories before suffering brain damage)
    • The participants' episodic and semantic memories seem to be equally impaired which supports the idea that the two memory functions are linked or even the same thing