misleading information

Cards (13)

  • what is eyewitness testimony?
    ability of people to remember details of events they have seen
  • what are the 2 parts that amount to misleading information?
    1. leading questions
    2. post-event discussion
  • outline leading questions
    wording of a question alters a person's recall of an event
  • who studied the effect of leading questions?
    Loftus and Palmer in 1974
  • explain Loftus & Palmer's study
    • showed participants a film of a car accident and then asked them questions
    • "how fast were the cars going when they hit each other"
    • when hit was changed to smashed = estimated speed of 40.5 mph
    • when hit was changed to contacted = estimated speed of 31.8 mph
  • what were the 2 explanations for the effect of leading questions?
    1. response-bias explanation
    2. substitution explanation
  • outline response-bias explanation
    phrasing of a question suggested an answer
  • outline substitution explanation
    question changes the witness's memory
  • what is post-event discussion?
    after an event, witnesses discuss what they have seen, resulting in distortion of their own memory
  • who studied the effect of post-event discussion?
    Gabbert et al in 2003
  • explain Gabbert et al's study about post-event discussions
    participants watched different videos of the same event
    • condition 1 - discuss event before recall
    • condition 2 - didn't discuss event
    71% mistakenly recalled when there was a discussion
    0% mistakenly recalled when there was no discussion
  • define memory conformity
    witnesses join memories together to win social approval or because they believe that the witnesses are right
  • evaluate misleading information
    • supporting research is from lab studies which lacks the emotional aspect of being a witness, experience lacks mundane realism

    • answers may be due to demand characteristics which deters from recalling a real-life event, reducing the validity

    • findings have real-world applications as can be used to amend questioning in police interviews, high ecological validity