Electrophilic substition

Cards (4)

  • Benzene goes through electrophilic substitution to form phenylketones
    Conditions required:
    • Reagent is acid chlorides
    • AlCl3 catalyst is needed
    As the acid chlorides react with the AlCl3 to form RCO+ and AlCl4- and the RCO+ is used as the electrophile
  • Electrophilic substitution of benzene 
to form Nitrobenzene
    First a curly arrow from the circle in the benzene goes to the NO2+. This causes the bond between the hydrogen and benzene to go to the circle to make it stable. The H+ ion would be used to reform the catalyst
  • Electrophilic substitution of benzene to form Nitrobenzene

    First a curly arrow from the circle in the benzene goes to the NO2+. This causes the bond between the hydrogen and benzene to go to the circle to make it stable. The H+ ion would be used to reform the catalyst
  • Benzene goes through electrophilic substitution to form nitrobenzene
    Conditions required:
    • HNO3 as a reagent
    • H2SO4 as a catalyst
    HNO3 reacts with the catalyst to form H2NO3+ and HSO4- with the H2NO3+ dissociating into NO2+ and H2O. The electrophile NO2+ is used