
Cards (8)

    • the Night of Power commerates the first revelation of the Qu'ran to Muahmmad
    • the Qu'ran is seen as the divine word of Allah
    • it is one of the most important and sacred festivals
    • many Muslims read the Qu'ran throughout the night and stay awake reading the Qu'ran to show its significance
    • the Night of Power occurs in the 27th day of Ramadan
    • Ramadan is the most important Muslim month of the year - fasting and charity happen, which are pillars
    • the Qu'ran states "This night is better than a thousand months"
    • Muhammad is the seal of the prophets, the Qu'ran is the last revelation from God, so the Night of Power has a special significance
    • the Qu'ran is the most sacred text
    • Muslims will be in a state of wudu before using the Qu'ran
    • The Night of Power is the first revelation to Muhammad and the Qu'ran continued to be revealed over 23 years