
Cards (8)

    • salvation is being saved from harm of evil
    • Jesus' death is an example of salvation, as it provides Christians with life after death
    • salvation links to the law
    • the Bible is a record of the Divine Law, the law of which Christians should live by
    • the first five books of the Bible are known as the books of law as they contain instructions given by God to Moses for the people of Israel
    • both the New Testament and Old Testament should be followed, as the New Testament overrides some laws from the Old Testament, but the Old Testament provides guidance such as the Ten Commandments
    • salvation links to the Bible
    • the Bible is inspired by God and a revelation from God
    • it is interpreted in different ways - literal, non-literal, symbolic
    • salvation links to other sources of authority
    • Christians refer to priests, an inner conscience, teachings of churches, prayer/Holy Spirit
    • salvation links to grace
    • grace is the unconditional love of God
    • some Christians believe salvation does not need to be earned through good works, but through believing in Christ
    • Ephesians states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through is the gift of God."
    • salvation links to the Holy Spirit
    • the Holy Spirit guides Christians into following the teachings of God
    • Christians believe that they should turn to God through repentance -"I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God through repentance."
    • that despite sinning, Christians should still ask for forgiveness
  • Holy Spirit in worship:
    • Christians seek to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit when reading the Bible
    • when performing informal worship in Evangelical Churches, some Christians feel they are moved by the Holy Spirit when worshipping
    • hymns make reference to the Holy Spirit in worship
    • the prayer "in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit"
  • Holy Spirit in worship:
    • Pentecostalism believe in the power of the Holy Spirit through worship as a experience of the presence of God
    • the Charismatic movement is known for speaking in tongues and prophecies as evidence of the Holy Spirit - the apostles received the gift of tongues in Acts
    • praying and spirited singing is evidence of being moved by the Holy Spirit
    • Christians believe the Holy Spirit is present during worship