heaven and hell

Cards (2)

  • Heaven:
    • most Christians believe heaven is where they go where they will die
    • some Christians believe in heaven as a physical place
    • some Christians believe in heaven as a spiritual place
    • Christians believe that there will be a new heaven and earth without sin and death
    • heaven will provide immortality
    • those who have good faith with go to heaven
    • Catholics believe that good believers go to heaven and others go to purgatory
    • some would say that since God is omnibenevolent he will forgive all people, even those destined to go to Hell, and everyone will live in Heaven
  • the existence of Hell does not fit in with the belief of an all loving God:
    • disagree
    • heaven is recieved through faith, so people have a choice
    • the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus bring atonement with God
    • everyone will die, so preparing for after death is important
    • hell is being seperated from God, through deliberately rejecting him
    • agree
    • God is always seen as forgiving
    • people can change their beliefs close to death
    • death is the end of life - there is no need to prepare for after death
    • God is unlikely to let some people suffer since he sent Jesus to atone for all people