the afterlife

Cards (7)

    • Christians believe that through Jesus' sacrifice, he allowed for eternal life
    • "I am the resurrection and life... whoever lives by believing in me will never die"
    • Christians believe that to enter heaven you must believe in Jesus and follow his teachings
    • "I am the way, the truth and the life"
    • Christians believe there is a hell, which is a place of seperation from God
    • this is seen in Matthew, "then they will go away to eternal punishment"
    • Catholics believe there is a purgatory, a place of cleansing between heaven and earth
    • prayers can be said for those to shorten their stay there
    • there will be a Judgement day where God will sepearte the good and the bad, like in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
    • Judgement Day will be when Jesus comes for the second time - the Parouisa
    • it will be the end of human existence on earth
    • there will be bodily resurrection of the dead
    • a new heaven and earth will be created, with no sin
  • the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus:
    • a rich man ignored a beggar
    • the rich man when to Hell and Lazarus went to Heaven
    • when Lazarus went to Hell, he begged for mercy and the opportunity to warn his family, yet he was refused
    • he was told that his family had the words of many prophets to warn them
    • the story teaches that there is no second chances
    • it teaches that Hell is a place of suffering and to avoid Hell, people must follow the guidance of God
    • some Christians believe that God will judge each soul right after death, and go Heaven or Hell, rather than waiting for Judgement Day
    • this is known as personal judgement
    • some Christians believe that people will be judged at the end of time
    • some Christians believe that all souls must wait until Judgement Day to be judged together