Cards (6)

  • What is a strength?(control)
    -research uses well controlled procedures
    -mother infant interactions are usually recorded from multiple angles which means fine details of behaviour can be analysed later
    -therefore this is a strength as it means that the studies have high validity
  • what is a weakness?(purpose)
    -Feldman (2012) points out that synchrony and reciprocity simply describe behaviours that happen at the same time.
    -While they can be directly observed they do not tell us the purpose of them
    -therefore researchers have to infer which could lead to researcher bias
    -therefore results are no longer objective and lack validity
  • What is another weakness?(social sensitivity)
    -research is socially sensitive
    -it suggests that a child may be disadvantaged by specific child rearing practices as it reduces opportunities for interactional synchrony
    -This has implications as it can lead to judgements being made about sections of society which choose to raise children a certain way
  • What is a strength(PCIT)
    -real world application
    -identification of importance of interactional synchrony in developing high quality attachment has lead to the development of Parent-Child interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • What did Crotwell et al (2013) find?
    -10 minutes therapy improved the IS in 20 low income mothers and their preschool infants compared to the control group
    -therefore this kind of research has made a difference in the lives of people
  • What is another weakness?(special meaning to behaviours)
    -when observing infant interactions it is difficult to know what is merely a hand movement and what is a direct interaction (Gratier 200)
    -this means we cannot really know for certain that behaviours seen in mother infant interactions have a special meaning
    -therefore behaviour is open to interpretation which leads to bias lacks objectivity and so validity