
Cards (13)

  • Practical theory over ideology e.g. Sunak's furlough scheme, the 2014 Marriage Equality Act and COVID restrictions
  • Change to conserve
  • Traditional -> applies pragmatism in all aspects of society
  • One Nation -> apply this to social reform but have a MIDDLE WAY approach to the economy and accepts intervention
  • New Right -> tensions as neo-liberals accept this strategy but neo-Conservatives tolerate greater involvement of the state to preserve order
  • Social
    • Advantages -> keeping things the same is a comfort, human nature is unchanging, individual and social views will adapt to reflect new ideas
    • Disadvantages -> people have been oppressed by incremental change
  • General
    • Advantages -> allows Conservatives to adapt and stay in power, 'natural party of government'. Avoids risk + ensures stability
    • Disadvantages -> denies the importance and effectiveness of new ieas, improvements are necessary
  • Economical
    • Advantages -> safe and secure for investments, economics is a science
    • Disadvantages -> new ideas necessary like Keynesianism, capitalism operates rapidly
  • Macmillan in 1950s did not reverse Atlee’s welfare state as he understood post WWII Britain needed to be rebuilt and liked the reforms Atlee made
  • 2020-21 Covid Furlough scheme the biggest intervention into the economy by the state ever. It was a pragmatic scheme to combat economic downfall and maintain order yet went against the Conservative ideology of a minimal state
  • Conservatives accepted restrictions under Covid despite it going against personal freedoms in Libertarianism
  • Cameron in 2015 promoted same-sex marriage to protect the institution of marriage
  • Oakeshott - “to be a conservative is to prefer the tried to the untried”