The Circulatory System (chp.5)

Cards (8)

  • The Circulatory System
    • Transport system of the body
    • composed of heart, blood & vessels
  • 2 main circuits
    • Systemic (blood to body)
    • Pulmonary (blood to lungs)
  • Functions of Blood
    • Transport: O2 & food to body cells, CO2 & urea from body cells, heat around body
    • Defence: platelets help prevent blood loss, white blood cells fight pathogens
  • Composition of Blood
    • Plasma- liquid part, mostly water with dissolved chemicals
    • Red Blood Cells (corpuscles)- contain haemoglobins to O2- biconcave disc with no nucleus- made in bone marrow- v.v lots
    • White Blood Cells- fight infections by making antibodies or engulfing pathogens, made in bone marrow- less than red
    • Platelets- helps the blood to clot, fragments of cells- made in bone marrow, v. numerous
  • Blood Vessels
    • Arteries- carries blood from heart, usually carries O2 (except pulmonary) have thick walls no valves
    • Veins- carry blood back to heart, usually doesn't carry O2 (except pulmonary) have thin walls & valves
    • Capillaries- brings blood from arteries to veins, have very thin walls to allow substances to pass through
  • Heart
    Septum divides the heart into 2.
    Each side is then divided into small atria & larger ventricles
  • Blood Flow
    1. Blood enters right atrium through vena cava
    2. Right atrium contracts & pushes blood into right ventricle
    3. This contracts & pushes blood to lungs via pulmonary artery
    4. Blood returns from lungs to left atrium via pulmonary vein
    5. Left atrium contracts & pushes blood into the left ventricle
    6. This contracts & pushes blood to body via aorta
  • Heart
    • Average pulse is 72 beats per minute
    • Excercise increases pulse
    • To prevent don't smoke and eat less salt & fat foods