Trachea- brings air in and out of the lungs rings of the cartilage, prevents lung collapse, makes sound
Bronchi- each bronchus brings air to a lung also has rings and cartilage
Bronchioles- divide repeatedly to carry air throughout the lungs to the alveoli
Structure of breathing system
Alveoli- small air sacks surrounded by capillaries, gaseous exchange occurs here
Diaphragm- sheet of muscle that contracts to flatten, increasing volume of lungs and this brings air into them
Intercostal muscle- between each rib, contracts & moves the ribs up and out. Increasing volume of the lung and bringing air into the lungs.
Gaseous exchange
Occurs in alveoli of the lungs, O2 diffuses into the blood stream and CO2 differences out
Irritates the lungscells, causing them to produce excess mucus - less volume
Tar from smoke coats cells
Lung cells are more likely to catch disease e.g cold
Lung cells are more likely to mutate leading to cancer
Smoking + the heart
CO in the smoke goes into the blood
Excess mucus decreases lung volume
Tar decreases gaseous exchange
These 3 combine to prevent enough O2 reaching cells of the body, the heart has to beat faster and harder to provide the O2 & this heads to heart strain.