Cards (24)

  • magnopere - very much, greatly
  • magis - more, rather
  • malo, malle, malui = praefero
  • mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus - to commit, entrust, command
  • mane - in the morning, early
  • maneo, manere, mansi - to remain, stay
  • mare, maris (n) - sea
  • metus, metus (m) - fear
  • minor, minari, minatus sum (+ dat) - to threaten
  • mirabilis, mirabile - strange, wonderful
  • modo - just now, only
  • modus, modi (m) - manner, way, kind
  • moneo, monere, monui, monitus - to warn, advise, teach
  • mors, mortis (f) - death
  • moror, morari, moratus sum - to delay, linger
  • maior, maius - bigger (comparative of magnus)
  • melior, melius - better (comparative of bonus)
  • memini, meminisse (+ gen) - to remember
  • metuo, metuere, metui = vereor, vereri, veritus sum = timeo
  • minor, minus - smaller (comparative of parvus)
  • misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtum - to mix, confuse
  • modo ... modo - at one time... at another time
  • mollis, molle - gentle, tender, soft
  • manifesto - openly, in the act