
Cards (7)

  • Upholds liberty, seeking to maximie autonomy and free choice, mainly in the economy
  • Focuses on the individual's right to liberty
    • State has a minimal role
  • Paternalistic policies which restrict libertarianism
    • having to wear a helmet/setbelts
    • smoking ban
  • Libertarian policies that are not paternalistic (usually economically driven)
    • 24 hour alcohol access
    • Fracking
  • Policies that are both libertarian and paternalistic
    • Same sex marriage
    • Free speech
  • Burke - economic libertarianism is natural, humans desire wealth, comfort, security and self-determination
  • Objects social welfare
    • Dependency culture -> Hayek - "dependence on the state would produce a new serfdom
    • Dependency erodes parental financial respnsibility so undermining the institution of the family
    • Argues taxation to fund welfare is legalised "state robery"