Cards (16)

  • nascor, nasci, natus sum - to be born
  • navis longa - warship
  • navis oneraria - merchant ship
  • neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus - to neglect, disregard
  • nemo, nullius - no one
  • nescio, nescire, nescivi - to not know
  • noceo, nocere, nocui (+ dat) - to hurt, harm
  • nolo, nolle, nolui - to not want, refuse
  • novi, notus [perfect with present meaning] = scio, scire
  • ne quidem - not even
  • nepos, nepotis (m) - grandson, descendant
  • nimis = nimium - too (much)
  • nosco, noscere, novi, notum - to come to know, get knowledge of
  • nudo, nudare, nudavi, nudatum - to strip, lay bare, leave exposed
  • nusquam - nowhere
  • ni - if not, unless