Cards (21)

  • obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum - to forget
  • obses, obsidis (m/f) - hostage
  • obsideo, obsidere, obsedi, obsessus - to besiege
  • obviam eo, ire, ii (+ dat) - to meet, oppose, resist
  • occasio, occasionis (f) - opportunity, occasion
  • contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemptum - to hate
  • odium, odii (n) - hatred
  • offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum - to present, offer
  • officium, officii (n) - duty, task, function
  • omitto, omittere, omisi, omissus - to omit, neglect, disregard,
  • omnino - altogether, at all, entirely
  • onus, oneris (n) - burden, load
  • opera, operae (f) - work, effort, attention, trouble
  • operam do - I take pains, give attention (to)
  • oportet, oportere, oportuit - to be necessary, ought, must
  • opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressum - to overwhelm, crush, weigh down
  • opis (f pl) - resources, riches
  • opus, operis (n) - work, toil, construction
  • omnino - altogether, entirely
  • opus est, esse, fuit (+ abl) - there is a need of
  • occurro, occurrere, occurri, occursum - to run to meet, charge, rush to attack