CONS society

Cards (5)

  • Traditional + One Nation + Neo-conservatives
    • Organic society based on hierarchy, national authority and paternalism to some extent
    • Humans are imperfect and have a psychological need to be part of a organic society
    • Society can gradually change
  • Traditional + One Nation + Neo-conservatives
    • Burke and Oakeshott -> that society can mitigate human imperfection
    • Hobbes -> society did not exist before the state, life was “nasty, brutish, and short”
    • Burke -> society needs to change to conserve, society an organism with multiple symbiotic relationships
    • Oakeshott -> argues that conservatives prefer the status quo of traditions but society still an organism
  • One Nation
    • Emphasises noblesse oblige
    • Believe in a “social contract” as said in a One Nation caucus of Conservatives in May 2019.
  • Neo-liberals
    • Reject an organic society, instead prioritising individuals - blunts trhe development of the individual
    • Opposes the welfare state
    • Reason over tradition or empiricism
  • Neo-liberals
    • Rand -> organic society restricts individual thinking as they are absorbed into the dominant beliefs of society
    • Rand and Nozick -> favour atomistic individualism
    • Nozick -> state should be limited to protect human rights, only interfere in cases of force, theft, or breach of contracts