
Cards (9)

  • reciprocity
    each person responds to the other and elicits a response back (turn talking)
  • alert phases
    babies signal when they want to interact/communicate
  • Feldman and Eidwoman
    mothers pick up alert phases and respond 2/3 times
  • interational synchrony
    mirroring each others actions and emotions
  • similarity - both are reciprocal actions
    difference - intersectional synchrony shows quality of attachment
  • Meltzoff and Moore (1977)
    • observed infants aged 2-3 weeks
    • shows interactional synchrony
  • isabella et al (1989)
    higher synchrony = better secure attachment
    • socially sensitive - implies mothers shouldn’t return to work
  • strengths of filmed observations
    • lab = control over extraneous variables
    • able to rewatch + overt observation = valid
  • weaknesses of filmed observation
    • hard to interpret babies behaviour
    • Feldman - observing doesn’t show level of development