maternal deprivation

Cards (9)

  • In bowlby’s 44 thieves study, 14 if the thieves showed traits of affectionless psychopathy, of these, 12 had experiences maternal separation in the first 5 years
  • maternal deprivation can be described as the loss of emotional and intellectual care that is normally provided by the primary caregiver
  • bowlby believes that infants require continuous care for healthy development - long term emotional deprivation would have long-term consequences in terms of emotional development
  • infants must form attachments in the first 2yrs of life - if there is deprivation from primary caregiver there are irreversible negative consequences
  • consequences of maternal deprivation:
    negative internal working model
    lower IQ
    emotionless maladjustment - inability to have emotions towards others
  • limitation - opposing evidence for critical period:
    case study of Czech twins who suffered deprivation & abuse until 7yrs old - but then received excellent care + had no negative consequences in adolescence.
  • real life application - bowlbys research has shown the importance of preventing separation - children and parents are now often hospitalised together to prevent this prolonged separation
  • bowlby's 44 thieves study interviewed adolescents who had delinquency problems and their parents (also interviewed a control group). found that 14 of the thieves showed traits of affectionless psychopathy, of these, 12 had experiences maternal separation in the first 5 years - bowlbly concluded maternal deprivation in early childhood caused permanent emotional damage
  • affectionless psychopathy is a persons inability to experience guilt or any other deep emotions towards others