Stages of attachment

Cards (8)

  • stages of attachment theory
    Shafted and Emerson (1964)
  • research methods used
    • longitudinal
    • natural observation
    • large scale
    • interviews
  • measures of attachment
    1. separation protest
    2. stranger anxiety
  • stages of attachment
    1. asocial (0-6 weeks)
    2. indiscriminate (6 weeks- 7 months)
    3. discriminate (7-8 months)
    4. multiple attachments (9+ months)
  • strengths
    natural setting
    external validity
    not artificial
    represents real life
    can be generalised
  • weaknesses
    • 60 infants in same country =low population validity
    • socially sensitive - mothers lie = less valid
    • multiple attachment phase is different for everyone
  • Bowlby
    we only form one special/ unique primary attachment and all other aren’t as important
  • Rutter
    all attachments are equally important