Pros of the legislative process

Cards (8)

  • In short, what are the advantages/pros of the legislative process?
    The process is democratic
    Bills go through a lot of consultation
    Bills go through a lot of scrutiny
    The law commission makes a contribution to the bettering of legislation
    Parliament maintains sovereignity
    Government minisiters are knowledgable in their areas
    The law can be made quickly during emergencies
  • Why is law being made by elected representatives a pro of the legislaitve process?
    it ensures democratic legitimacy. General elections held at least every five years allow the electorate to vote out governments that fail to meet expectations or deliver promised reforms.
  • How does consultation of proposed laws benefit the legislative process?
    Consulation through mechanisms like Green Papers allows the government to consider objections and suggestions, leading to more informed and widely accepted proposals.
  • Why is the lengthy discussion process of bills in parliament an advantage?
    The multiple readings and committee stages ensure that new laws are thoroughly discussed and scrutinized before being enacted.
  • How does the law comission contrubute to better legislation?
    The Law Commission’s wide consultation and research lead to well-drafted, less contentious laws, as seen in codifications like the Sentencing Act 2020.
  • Why is parliamentry sovereignty a strength of the legislative process?
    Laws passed by Parliament are the highest form of law, ensuring clear separation of powers where judges apply, but cannot question, these laws
  • How do government ministers contribute to effective lawmaking?
    Ministers have the knowledge, support, and expertise of their departments, ensuring laws are well-informed and practical.
  • How can the legislative process respond swiftly in emergencies?
    Laws like the Coronavirus Act 2020 demonstrate Parliament’s ability to pass legislation rapidly, within a week in this case, to address urgent needs.