Game Theory

Cards (8)

  • Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria - the set of strategies that lead all players to best respond to each other
  • Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria - the set of probabilities associated with strategies that make players indifferent among their strategies
  • Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria - a set of strategies found by backward induction such that there is an NE at every sub game
  • Bertrand competition - firms choose the price they want to set
  • Cournot competition - firms choose the quantity to produce
  • Stackelberg competition - firms sequentially choose the quantity to produce and there is a first mover advantage
  • A dominant strategy is one that is always a best response, it doesn't depend on what the other player does
  • SPNE Notation = {P1 Strategy, P2 Best Responses to any strategy of P1}