features of science + reporting psychological investigation

Cards (7)

  • paradigms:
    • shared set of assumptions + methods - separates scientific + no scientific disciplines
    • social sciences lack universally accepted paradigm, distinct from natural sciences - number of principles at core
    • psych has many internal disagreements with too many conflicting approaches
  • paradigm shifts:
    • progress with established science occurs when theres a scientific revolution
    • researchers question accepted paradigm shift, critique gathers popularity - shift occurs when theres too much contradictory research
  • theory construction + hypothesis testing:
    • theory - set of general laws/principles - can explain behaviour/events
    • theory construction - gathering via observation, should be possible to make clear/precise predictions on basis of theory (hypothesis testing)
    • hypothesis tested using systematic/objective methods
  • falsifiability:
    • find evidence that hypothesis is true + none that counters it, pseudosciences cant be falsified
    • theories that survive most attempts to falsify = strongest
    • this is why alternative hypothesis is accompanied by null
  • replicability:
    • extent to which scientific procedures + findings can be replaced by others - important to determine validity/reliability of findings
    • repeat study in different contexts/circumstances - see extent to which findings can be generalised
    • vital that researchers report investigations with precision + rigor so others can seek to verify
  • objectivity + empirical method:
    • cant let personal bias discolour data or influence behaviour - greatest levels of control are more objective e.g lab studies
    • empirical - based on gathering evidence through direct observation + experience
    • theory cant be scientific unless empirically tested + verified
  • reporting psychological investigations:
    • abstract - sumarises all major elements
    • intro - literature review of investigation (aim + hypothesis)
    • method - design, sample, materials, procedure
    • results - descriptive stats
    • discussion - verbal summary of results
    • references - name, year, book, chapter, year