God will send two angels to question them about their faith. If they answer correctly, they see rewards. If they answer incorrectly, they see punishment.
On the day of judgement, angel Israfil will blow a trumpet and everyone will be resurrected to be judged. If they are given their book of deeds in their right hand, they go to heaven. If they are given it in their left hand, they go to hell.
If someone is a believer and shows remorse for their wrongdoings, God can give them forgiveness and they must cross ‘SiratBridge’
Heaven is a: “reward for what they used to do”
Hell is described as a place of fire and torment: “garments of fire will be tailored for those for those who disbelieve”
Why is belief in life after death important?
it encourages responsibility, urges avoiding sin, is one of the 5 roots and 6 articles of faith in both Sunni and Shi’a Islam