Muhammad and the Imamate

Cards (12)

  • Muhammad received the final revelation from God. This is known as the night of power.
  • “He is God’s messenger and the seal of prophets”
  • On Mount Hira, Angel Jibril appeared to Muhammad and revealed the Qur'an. He preached God’s words and proclaimed that God is one.
  • Muhammad told the people of Mecca (Makkah) to give up gambling, cheating, drinking alcohol and idol worship but had to flee to Medina (Medinah) to escape persecution.
  • Muhammad went on a night journey, led by Angel Jibril to Jerusalem. He was carried on a horse-like creature (Al-Buraq) and ascended into heaven. Here, he was told people should pray 5 times a day and he saw Allah and prophets.
  • Muhammad gathered many Muslims to march back into Mecca to conquer the city in the name of God. They destroyed idols by the Ka’aba and introduced Muslim law.
  • What is an Imam?
    someone who leads communal prayer, or in Shi’a Islam, the title given to Ali and his sucessors
  • What is the Imamate?
    The divine appointment of the Imams
  • Imams rule justly and bring peace and equality. They can interpret the Qur’an and Shariah law.
  • There has only been 12 imams and the last is being hidden by God, who will return to bring peace and justice on the Day of Judgement.
  • Why is the Imamate important?
    people need divine guidance to know how to live correctly
  • All imams are apart of Ahl al-bayt (family of Muhammad)