Muhammad received the final revelation from God. This is known as the night of power.
“He is God’s messenger and the seal of prophets”
On Mount Hira,Angel Jibril appeared to Muhammad and revealed the Qur'an. He preached God’s words and proclaimed that God is one.
Muhammad told the people of Mecca (Makkah) to give up gambling, cheating, drinking alcohol and idol worship but had to flee to Medina (Medinah) to escape persecution.
Muhammad went on a nightjourney, led by Angel Jibril to Jerusalem. He was carried on a horse-like creature (Al-Buraq) and ascended into heaven. Here, he was told people should pray 5 times a day and he saw Allah and prophets.
Muhammad gathered many Muslims to march back into Mecca to conquer the city in the name of God. They destroyed idols by the Ka’aba and introduced Muslim law.
What is an Imam?
someone who leads communal prayer, or in Shi’a Islam, the title given to Ali and his sucessors
What is the Imamate?
The divine appointment of the Imams
Imams rule justly and bring peace and equality. They can interpret the Qur’an and Shariah law.
There has only been 12 imams and the last is being hidden by God, who will return to bring peace and justice on the Day of Judgement.
Why is the Imamate important?
people need divine guidance to know how to live correctly
All imams are apart of Ahlal-bayt (family of Muhammad)