The hydrogens from glycolysis, the link reaction and the Krebs cycle are carried by the coenzymes NAD and FAD into the final stage of aerobic respiration
The energy possessed by the hydrogen atoms are an important source of potential energy
The electron transport chain is the mechanism by which the energy of the electrons within the hydrogen atoms is converted into adenosine triphosphate
The electron transport chain
formation of ATP here is by oxidative phosphorylation because oxidation reactions are involved
In the presence of oxygen, energy is released to allow phosphorylation of ADP
Hydrogen atoms are split into protons and electrons
It requires reduced NADs, reduced FADs, electron carrier and oxygen to accept the electrons and protons at the end
Most energy is used to synthesise ATP, but some is lost as heat
1 molecule of reduced NAD produces 3 ATPs
1 molecule of reduced FAD produces 2 ATPs
Process of oxidative phosphorylation and chemiosmosis
Coenzymes release hydrogen, which splits into protons and electrons
The electrons pass along the electron carriers in a series of redox reactions, losing energy
This energy pumps protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, creating an electrochemical gradient
At the end of the chain, electrons combine with oxygen and protons to form water
Protons flow back into the mitochondrial matrix through ATP synthase, catalysing the formation of ATP
The importance of oxygen
Oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor
Electrons cannot pass along the electron transport chain without oxygen
Accepts protons from mitochondrial matrix and electrons from the reduced electron carriers
Alternative respiratory substrates
Lipids and proteins can also be used as respiratory substrates
Their breakdown products can be modified and used in the Krebs cycle depending on the number of carbon atoms they contain