Digestive system

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  • Stomach produces hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria
  • How food is digested:
    1. Food is broken down physically by chewing.
    2. Saliva makes the mixture more liquid
    3. Passed down the esophagus into the stomach, where its muscle walls are contracted to push food around and mixes it
    4. . Also produces hydrochloric acid which kills pathogens
    5. Food passed into small intestine, where digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream
    6. Passed into the large intestine, where absorbs excess water
    7. Passed into the rectum which stores the feaces
  • Pancreas porduces digestive enzymes
  • Liver;
    • Produces bile to neutralise the acid from the stomach.
    • Bile also emulsifies lipids into smaller molecules, which increases the surface area for enzymes to bind to.
    • Also produces pepsin which breaks down protein.