Interactionist approach

Cards (11)

  • What is the diathesis stress model?
    A person needs both a predisposition to schizophrenia and an environmental factor that triggers the onset for it to be schizophrenia
  • What does diathesis mean?
    A predisposition to develop a medical condition
  • What does stress refer to in the diathesis stress model?
    Any environmental factor that could trigger schizophrenia
  • Who developed the diathesis stress model for schizophrenia?
    Meehl (1962)
  • If a person has multiple schizophrenic genes, what does this mean?

    They have a higher vulnerability
  • What did Ripke et al (2014) find?
    There is no one "schizogene"
  • What did Ingram and Luxton find in 2005?
    Trauma can be a diathesis
  • What did Read et al find in 2001?
    Early and severe trauma can cause the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system to be overactive, making a person more vulnerable to stress
  • What did Houston et al find in 2008?
    Cannabis is a stressor for schizophrenia as it impacts the dopamine system
  • According to the diathesis-stress mode, what form of treatment should be used?
    Both CBT and anti-psychotics to target faulty thinking and dopamine levels
  • Who adopted the interactionist approach quicker, the UK or the US?

    The UK, the US still uses medication alone