The voltage across a protective resistor is ALWAYS the total voltage minus the voltage across the component being protected.
A) Relay
An open loop system is a system that has an input and output only. Examples include a light switch or hand dryer.
A closed loop (continuous control) system uses feedback. The system will have a means of checking what is happening at the output at any point in time and, if necessary, changing this output. Examples include heating systems and a refrigerator.
The 'arrow' of a diode points toward the cathode
Diodes are used to prevent back EMF from damaging components. They are placed in reverse bias
Flowchart blocks
A) Arrow
B) input / output
C) process
D) Decision
E) Terminal
Advantages of Robotics
They produce very fast, automated procedures accurately.
They can be used in dangerous/unusual environments.
They can be extremely hygienic.
Disadvantages of Robotics
They can be very expensive to install/set up/replace initially.
They need highly trained professional to operate them.