Cognitive behavioural therapy, method for improving mental health buy identifying irrational thoughts then challenging them
What is becks method for treating depression
Identify irrational thoughts about: world/future/self. challenge these by setting tasks such as recording positive events (client as scientist) - client is investigating reality of negative beliefs
What is REBT as a part of ellis’s method for treating depression
Rational emotive behavioural therapy
What is ellis’s method for treating depression
ABC model > ABCDE model (dispute effects) - identify and challenge irrational thought. E.G. patient explains they are unlucky > therapist identifies as utopianism and challenges > vigorous argument > change beliefs > break link of negative events and depression
what is the empirical argument as apart of treating depression
Is there any actual evidence?
what is behavioural activation as apart of treating depression
Depressed people often isolate themselves which worsens symptoms. Behavioural activation increases engagement with activities to improve mood
Strength of CBT for treating depression
Research support with 3 control groups: CBT, anti depressants, both. 81% of CBT and antidepressants group participants improved, 86% for both group. Shows CBT just as effective as anti depressants
What is a weakness of CBT for treating depression
Minimises clients circumstances - client suffers real challenges such as racism. If therapist tries challenging beliefs it invalidates clients experience
Weakness of CBT for treating depression
Therapist+ client relationship may Be more important than type of therapy. Research comparing effectiveness only find small differences so it is likely that quality of relationship is more important than specific techniques