Cards (5)

  • Practical application
    -Couples counselling: therapist encourages self disclosure between couple. Th reciprocity is encouraged. This can help prevent a further loss of attraction.
  • Virtual relationships
    -The 'boom and bust' phenomenon in online relationships.
    -Found that the anonymity of online interaction gave web-users a sense of security and made them disclose personal information much earlier than face to face.
    -The necessary trust foundation has not been established. This shows that the breadth of relationship needs to be established first.
  • Methodological issues
    -Research has only found correlations between self disclosure and relationship satisfaction.
    -Cannot state self disclosure causing the satisfaction.
    -Could be that increased self disclosure is caused by increasing feelings of intimacy. (can't state a cause or effect relationship from a correlation).
  • Culturally bias
    -Social penetration theory developed on ideas of individualistic culture, so don't apply to collectivist cultures.
    In collectivist cultures there is more sexual thoughts and feelings than romantic relationships like China.
  • Comparison to physical attractiveness
    -Self disclosure underestimates the influence of physical attractiveness.
    -The matching hypothesis theory states that people are more attracted to someone who has a similar attractiveness level to them.
    -Couples don't engage in self-disclosure if they don't match on physical attractiveness.