formal powers of the president

Cards (12)

  • propose legislation - trump 2018 announced plan to spend 1.5 trillion on infrastructure- this power also includes submission of annual budget
  • sign legislation- may hold bill signing ceremony to claim credit such as trump tax cuts 2017
  • veto legislation- when used the president usually prevails such as trump where he won 9 out of 10 vetoes 2017-21
  • act as chief executive- in charge of the executive branch they are i head of government- assisted by cabinet ; departments and agency heads- executive office of presidents
  • nominate executive branch officials- department and agency heads- trump appointed mike Pompeo as secretary of state 2018
  • nominate federal judges- include SC judges for example trump appointed Brett Kavanaugh in 2018n and in 2020 Amy Coney Barret
  • act in commander as chief- has control over armed forces - bill Clinton ordered the bombing of Kosovo in 1999 and obama presided over extensive bombing in libya which lead to downfall Ghaddafi regime
  • negotiate treaties- symbolises the peace making role alongside the commander in chief
  • pardon and commutation of prison sentences- controversial- clinton amde 140 pardons, obama 212 and trump had 237
  • act as head of state- public face or representative of the nation both internationally and in domestic politics
  • signing and vetoing
    • After Congress passes a bill, the president can sign it into law.
    • If the president objects, they can veto the bill, returning it to Congress within 10 days.
    • The president can use a pocket veto by withholding a signature until the Congressional session ends, preventing the bill from becoming law.
  • proposing legislation-
    • The president has the power to propose legislation to Congress.
    • The State of the Union Address outlines the president's legislative agenda, but proposals can be made at any time.
    • The budget is a key piece of legislation submitted by the president, prepared by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) within the EXOP.