
Cards (4)

  • What is a delta?
    A delta is a landform created by the deposition of sediment carried by a river as it enters a body of water, such as a lake or ocean.
  • What is a distributarie?
    A distributary is a river or stream that branches off from a main river and flows away from it.
  • What builds up overtime as a river meets the sea?
    A delta, which is an island of deposited material. The river splits into distributaries as it moves around these islands.
  • What are the steps of a delta forming? (4)
    1. The river spreads out as it meets the sea and so friction increases and rive velocity reduces
    2. This causes sediment to be deposited
    3. Flocculation (Where clay sediments stick together in salt/sea water, get heavier and sink)
    4. This deposited sediment builds up overtime creating small islands