informal; sources of power

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  • cabinet - advisory group set up by president to aid decision making and coordinate the work of federal government
  • executive office of president- contains the top staff of agencies in the white house that assist the president in carrying out their responsbilites
  • white house office- part of the EXOP the (WHO) is the personal office of the president contain the staff who facilitate the presidents communication with congress
  • national secuirty concerns- part of EXOP teh NSC is the presidents offcial forum of deliberating nationals ecuirty and foreign policy
  • office of management and budget - the office within the EXOP that reviews budget requests, legislative intiatives, and propsoed rules and regualtions from the executive departments and agencies
  • powers of persuasion- president uses their influence, authority of office and political capital to make deals and and obtain support from key people
  • executive orders- from of direct authority and used to their agenda as a alternative to legislation
  • executive agreements- agreements between the presidents and on a foreign nations, often used as alternatives to formal treaties
  • singing statements- statements issued by the president on singing a bill which may challenge specific provisions of the bill om constitutional or other grounds
  • electoral mandate- larger the president mandate the more liekly they will acheive their legislative agenda
  • public approval- president public approval rating can affect the ability they can get things done
  • national events