A01 Psychodynamic Explanations

Cards (8)

  • Superego
    Formed at the end of the phallic stage when children resolve Oedipus comlplex. Superego is the morality principle where it punishes with guilt for wrongdoing and rewards with pride for good behaviour.
  • Blackburn
    If superego is inadequate, then criminal behaviour is inevitable as ID is given free reign and not controlled.
  • Weak superego

    If same-sex parent is absent during phallic stage, child cannot internalise a fully-formed superego as there is no opportunity for identification. Makes criminal behaviour more likely.
  • The deviant superego

    If the superego that the child internalises has immoral or deviant values this would lead to offending behaviour.
  • Overharsh superego

    Leads to crippling of guilt and anxiety. May unconciously drive individual to question and perform criminal acts to satisfy superego's overhwhelming need for punishment. Opposite of a healthy superego.
  • The maternal depreivation theory

    Bowlby discovered that a failure to achieve a maternal bond in critical period can possible lead to affectionless psychopathy (lack of guilt, empathy and feeling for others). Maternally deprived individuals likely to engage in acts of delinquency and crime.
  • 44 Thieves Study

    Bowlby concluded that maternal deprivation had caused affectionless psychopathy and delinquent behaviour among other juvenile thieves.
  • 44 Thievdes Study findings
    14/44 described as affectionless psychopaths while 12/14 of those experienced prolonged separation anxiety from mothers in first 2 years of their lives.