Cards (10)

  • What is drought?
    The shortfall or deficiency of water over an extended period of time
  • The set criteria for Drought varies between countries due their common climate
  • What defines drought in the UK?
    15 or more days with less than 0.2mm of rain
  • What defines drought in the Sahel?
    2 or more years of below average rainfall
  • What are the 3 different types of drought?
    meteorological, agricultural and hydrological
  • Meteorological drought
    Shortfalls of precipitation, evident in arid and semi-arid regions like the Sahel
  • Agricultural drought
    Deficiency of soil moisture, which has a knock on effect on plants growth and reduction in biomass
  • Hydrological drought
    Reduced stream flows and groundwater levels, leading to salinisation and poor quality water
  • What kind of hazard are droughts referred to as?
    A creeping hazard, as they usually have a long period of onset
  • Teleconnections look at climate anomalies which relate to each other over large distances, such as El Niño